Authentication Reference

Customer Dashboard Login

After a customer logs into the dashboard, you can use the sc_login_redirect_url filter hook to redirect them to any URL. This includes:

Here's the template code you should use:

add_filter( 'sc_login_redirect_url', function( $url ) {
    // Examples:
    // return '/courses';                              // Relative path
    // return '';   // External URL
    // return home_url('/member-area');                // Internal URL using home_url()
    return home_url(); // Redirect to homepage
}, 10, 1 );

Real-world example:

This filter customizes the login redirect URL based on the user's role. Students, instructors, and administrators are redirected to specific pages, while others follow the default redirect.

add_filter( 'sc_login_redirect_url', function( $url ) {
    // Get current user role.
    $user = wp_get_current_user();
    $role = $user->roles[0];
    // Different redirects based on user role.
    switch ($role) {
        case 'student':
            return '/courses/';
        case 'instructor':
            return home_url('/teacher-dashboard');
        case 'administrator':
            return admin_url();
            return $url; // Default url - redirected to the customer-dashboard.
}, 10, 1 );